Thursday, July 27, 2006

Horizon Depravation

Montana may officially hold the title, "Big Sky Country," but today I would've argued a lot for Illinois. Rows of green and gold corn meeting a big blue and white sky make me realize even the mountains in Japan were contributing to my sense of being trapped. Maybe all I missed really was a view of the sky.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Some Sterotypes are True.

I took this picture in Tokyo because it reminded me so much of a "type" of girl here. The type is so stadardized she even matches the doll version I had bought earlier that day, just in white instead of black:

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Originally uploaded by Sophonisba.
I went to Tokyo over the weekend and took this shot as I wandered by the scene near the train station in...Shinjuku, I think?

What do you think when you look at this picture? My students would all think, "Lucky!" One of my students gave a "How-to" speech this week. The title? "How to Advertise Your Body Well." It was full of clothing and make-up tips so that you look sexy and have a chance to get a guy. Two of them really want to work at a maid cafe when they graduate. They think they are "cute." I sound bitter. The culture of cute is getting on my nerves.

Friday, July 07, 2006 this a parody? Or is it genuine?

"How to prevent chapped lips in a manly fashion"