Sunday, February 18, 2007


Originally uploaded by Sophonisba.
I went to the Osu Kannon flea market today. I bought the world's smallest kokeshi for 1,500 yen, which I thought was a bit much for one so small, but it was very nicely painted and it was one in the "old" style, which I usually don't like, yet was very nice looking. I now like it even more because when I met Robin for lunch she read the writing on it, and it's got Nagoya castle painted on it. My major find, Nicholas actually spotted tossed on top of a pile of dolls mouldering on a tarp. 500 yen for the mother of all kokeshi. Picture to follow soon. She is now the proud matriarch of my ever expanding kokeshi collection. How will I get them home? I have no idea! They weigh a TON!


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