Sunday, April 30, 2006


Today I was late and I was hurrying. Hisaya-Odori in Nagoya doesn' t have much vehicle traffic on a Sunday, this particular Sunday especially. In any case, the only vehicle on this particular stretch of road was a large garbage truck parked running and unattended by the curb. As I came nearer one garbage man coming out of the office building with a bag of trash. He climbed onto the truck and paused briefly to throw it into one of the dividers on the other side of the truck. He then called out to the homeless guy sitting against the wall. I don't understand much Japanese, but it was something to the effect of " hungry?" The scraggly man nodded and stood up while the garbageman rummaged through the bags nearest to him in the divided truck and handed the homeless man a garbage bag that had a bunch of sandwiches.
All that took less than half a minute as I walked by.

I should have some sort of wise remark or interpretation of this event, but unfortunately I don't. As with most of the occurances that happen near me in Japan I just tilt my head in that direction and think, "Hunh...the garbage man feeds the homeless garbage....hunh." And then I file it away.


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